Explore-a-book bench trail

Explore-a-book was a book bench trail in west Norfolk in spring 2021, funded by the Norfolk Strategic Fund, specifically to encourage people back into town centre areas and to help support those businesses adversely affected by the impact of Covid-19.  The trail was organised by the Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk in partnership with Stories of Lynn and Kick the Dust.

The trail consisted of seven benches, supplied by Wild in Art, who have produced trails in this country and abroad.  These benches were already decorated by artists, and were temporarily placed in landmark locations around King’s Lynn. A further three benches were decorated by local artists with designs submitted by local young people and these remain as permanent features in King’s Lynn, Hunstanton and Downham Market.

The Kick the Dust group developed the trail leaflet for Explore-a-book. They contributed their ideas to how the trail would work, chose and researched the potential locations, and wrote the content, the aim was to get the maximum number of people engaged in the project.

You can see photos of people with the benches on social media #ExploreABookWN